Update here and let me know ok?
Below is Part One of my Israel trip account, which i posted on my personal blog. Take a peek at Israel!!!
Two peektures, which i surprisingly discovered, summarise what the Lord has done for me during the Israel trip!
Peekture ONE
Peekture TWO
Yes God met me in breathtaking ways in Israel, and He restored my soul and topped up His living waters in me.
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Glimpses of the Holy Land!
Thinking Israel is some dusty, rusty undeveloped place? Check out its city of Jaffa!
One of the trip highlights for many was the Sea of Galilee (below). The peace of God dawned on many of our hearts as Pastor Eugene preached on 'Peace'.
Eunice, Stephanie and I spent the time after Pastor's message singing as we swung our legs over the Galilee waters to the beat of the songs of worship to the Lord.
'Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." '
Cana - The place where Jesus changed water into wine at a wedding.
I discovered that.... I might have been a MacDonald's kid! (Below: MacDonald's sign in Hebrew)
To our delight we had a Chinese lunch! The fare was simple but it caused our taste buds to rejoice and leap.
The restaurant is opened by a pair of Christian Chinese. Their words on the wall definitely lifted me a lot - that I can always depend on God to start afresh (picture on the left), and God's joy is truly the best medicine (picture on the right) - exactly what God had given for me in the first 3 days of Israel!
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Tadaaa..... this is the end of Part 1. Stay tuned for more! Ha.
Want to end here by giving thanks for one of my best travelmates Angela (see below!). We had a wonderful time together the whole of our 4th day, and wow how mightily did we bless each other.
Me: 'Angela!! Do you know my greatest passion is dance!' (I had NEVER mentioned this to Angela ever)
Angela: 'So scary. Just a few seconds before you told me this, i had a vision of you dancing with a tambourine! Out of nowhere!'
Both of us: 'Oh GOD.... You are with us!'
Me in my mind: 'Wow God, thank YOu for remembering and affirming this God-given passion!' (Nearly really to tears)