Monday, 20 August 2007

Each of you is a beautiful seed =)

I don't know how many of you know Corrinne May but she is the only singer i keep up with. An amazing Singapore-born singer-songwriter , she truly writes and sings from her heart.

You can go to my blog to listen to one of her new songs Five Loaves and Two Fishes.

If you want to borrow any of her albums, just let me know. =)

I was very touched by Corrinne's description of her newest album:

'Beautiful Seed’ is an album that hopes in change, positive change. It is an album that seeks to remind people of the beauty, hope and joy in life, in all its ups and downs. I think it is an album that hopes to sow seeds of change...

I named the album ‘Beautiful Seed’ because I think that a seed is a wonderful metaphor for our lives. We are all like seeds. Seeds grow unseen in the soil and then sprout, and some seed become the biggest, most majestic trees and others grow to eventually bear wonderful fruit, and yet others, grow to provide shade. We are like trees. When we are in our mother’s womb, no one can see us growing, but we are there. And all the potential for our lives is present in that moment, small as we are at that point in our lives, we are who we are now because of what we’ve gone through. And just knowing that, makes me sad to read about the increasing numbers of abortions that occur. People have forgotten that all the potential for life comes from something small, seemingly insignificant, seemingly lifeless.

- Corrinne May (on her newest album)

Thursday, 16 August 2007

A loud HALO~

Hello to all ~ Something to share from me , BELINDA ! Today , I was having my Higher Math exams . Everyone was very stressed up because its a difficult module . Those who take this exam will not leave the room early , so all of you could see how tough the module is .

For Singapore Polytechnic , we have this practice . That for all exams , we will have 10 minutes of reading time ( means no writing for this 10 minutes ) . As the paper is so difficult , a guy sitting beside me started writing when its reading time ! The examiner who was my HM lecturer , was busy going through the paper ( he was looking through to see if we can answer the questions ) and did not take notice of him .

Those who heard the scribbling sound turned and look at him , some were tempted and picked up the pen and write . For me , I sat there till the lecturer said , ' You may start writing . ' . I was proud of myself for not picking up my pen till the lecturer said so . That its integrity in me ! To some whom might think its nothing , some might think its stupid . But to me , I am proud of myself because I abide the examination rules despite all temptations .

To write something before the time starts , helps to save some time and helps one to attempt more questions . But by not doing so , I am able to get the most desevering results I can achieve because I did it by the right way .

I hope that by sharing this , I am able to spread this spirit to all of you . For those who already have it , keep it up ! For those who hasn't , build it up !

Thanks for reading !

Belinda !

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Exams.. hais

Hey all..

Hmm me soo stress up right now.. having a huge headache..Today I am having my first paper...still so many to go before I can enjoy myself... hias.. I am having huge panda eyes right now... I want to sleep badly!!!!!.. hehe. Actually me kinda ok..just a little tired I guess...

How have u guys been doing? busy too? Hope u guys are doing great.. To all whose exams are around the corner happy mugging and studying!! and maybe working too? (*smiles)hehe..

wish me lucks!! back 2 studying..


=] Asyiqin

Tuesday, 14 August 2007


what's the deal?i tried to post sumting but..okay,whatever..anyway,i want to say sorry to mirabel.sorry that i didn't reply to any's juz that i switched off my hp and well,i only on it,lyk,yesterday? sorry,mirabel.real sorry,sighs.=x
anyway,do you gals ever realize that sumhow,lyf has a bigger sense of humour than i do??it's true!!and sumhow,it loves playing jokes on me.hmm,how do i deal with this??three weeks ago,i fell in the middle of the road and yes,if i think abt it now,it's super funny but at that point of tym,i was mortified..argh!!and it's one of lyf's prank.that i know..haha.many a tym,i wished i had lyf's humour..haha.okay,JOHN SAYS HI!!..he can't even give me peace when i'm blogging..hey, maybe,JOHN was the one who pushed me, are all of you?guess you're all busy,huh?i juz wanna share with you gals that laughter is really e best medicine if u's been proven that laughter de-stresses you.and well,all of you gotta be e most stressful bunch,ryt,keep on laughing..there's not many things for me to laugh abt now,but,slowly,i'll find sumting to laugh about..tell me,why is lyf so complicated?..oh ya,one more thing that i think every single of you need to further de-stress,,here's a hug from me to all of you..take care.catch up soon,ya?
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

Sunday, 12 August 2007

shereen's randomness

randomness ONE*

If you comment on this post,
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you. 5
. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours

randomness TWO*
i hate myself.
exams are coming in 4days
and im still slacking.
i did sense the urgency to doo well and catch up with all that i missed.
because sometimes i slack too much.
but i have abso no motivation to study.
i went to the library today.
and wasted the whole day there.
i was holding my notes.
but nth went into the brain.
i took like freaking long just to memorise 4 short points.
what to do?
i simply cant concentrate and study.
exams in 4days.

randomness THREE*
i think i hate my little brother

randomness FOUR*
i miss creating, snapping photos, flipping magazine for inspiration,sewing and everything nice. aw

randomness FIVE*
i think i should own a pet

randomness SIX*
bu neng shou de nini directed by jay chou is good (:

randomness SEVEN*
' spiderpig, spider pig
does whatever a spiderpig does,
can it swing from a web
no it cant-
its a pig,
look out, here comes the spiderpig!'
*if u've watched the simpsons, this would prolly send you laughing till your stomach hurts. oh well, at least i did*

well, hope things been great for you all!
all poly peeps, good luck for exams!

Friday, 3 August 2007