I don't know how many of you know Corrinne May but she is the only singer i keep up with. An amazing Singapore-born singer-songwriter , she truly writes and sings from her heart.
You can go to my blog to listen to one of her new songs Five Loaves and Two Fishes.
If you want to borrow any of her albums, just let me know. =)
I was very touched by Corrinne's description of her newest album:
'Beautiful Seed’ is an album that hopes in change, positive change. It is an album that seeks to remind people of the beauty, hope and joy in life, in all its ups and downs. I think it is an album that hopes to sow seeds of change...
I named the album ‘Beautiful Seed’ because I think that a seed is a wonderful metaphor for our lives. We are all like seeds. Seeds grow unseen in the soil and then sprout, and some seed become the biggest, most majestic trees and others grow to eventually bear wonderful fruit, and yet others, grow to provide shade. We are like trees. When we are in our mother’s womb, no one can see us growing, but we are there. And all the potential for our lives is present in that moment, small as we are at that point in our lives, we are who we are now because of what we’ve gone through. And just knowing that, makes me sad to read about the increasing numbers of abortions that occur. People have forgotten that all the potential for life comes from something small, seemingly insignificant, seemingly lifeless.
'Beautiful Seed’ is an album that hopes in change, positive change. It is an album that seeks to remind people of the beauty, hope and joy in life, in all its ups and downs. I think it is an album that hopes to sow seeds of change...

- Corrinne May (on her newest album)