Sunday, 12 August 2007

shereen's randomness

randomness ONE*

If you comment on this post,
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you. 5
. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours

randomness TWO*
i hate myself.
exams are coming in 4days
and im still slacking.
i did sense the urgency to doo well and catch up with all that i missed.
because sometimes i slack too much.
but i have abso no motivation to study.
i went to the library today.
and wasted the whole day there.
i was holding my notes.
but nth went into the brain.
i took like freaking long just to memorise 4 short points.
what to do?
i simply cant concentrate and study.
exams in 4days.

randomness THREE*
i think i hate my little brother

randomness FOUR*
i miss creating, snapping photos, flipping magazine for inspiration,sewing and everything nice. aw

randomness FIVE*
i think i should own a pet

randomness SIX*
bu neng shou de nini directed by jay chou is good (:

randomness SEVEN*
' spiderpig, spider pig
does whatever a spiderpig does,
can it swing from a web
no it cant-
its a pig,
look out, here comes the spiderpig!'
*if u've watched the simpsons, this would prolly send you laughing till your stomach hurts. oh well, at least i did*

well, hope things been great for you all!
all poly peeps, good luck for exams!


Asyiqin said...


"spiderpig, spiderpig.." LOL.. Hmm for me exams also arnd the corner...studying like mad.. hehe all the best ya!! u can do it.. always believe that u can!! cya arnd skull sometime?? *smiles


=] AsYiQiN

mirabop said...

Dear Shereen,

Are you letting your mind wander too much while revising? Learn to discipline yourself to focus your mind - that is the first step to many great successes. =)

Thanks for your postcard. i love the baby shot. =)

Jia big you!!!
