Thursday, 16 August 2007

A loud HALO~

Hello to all ~ Something to share from me , BELINDA ! Today , I was having my Higher Math exams . Everyone was very stressed up because its a difficult module . Those who take this exam will not leave the room early , so all of you could see how tough the module is .

For Singapore Polytechnic , we have this practice . That for all exams , we will have 10 minutes of reading time ( means no writing for this 10 minutes ) . As the paper is so difficult , a guy sitting beside me started writing when its reading time ! The examiner who was my HM lecturer , was busy going through the paper ( he was looking through to see if we can answer the questions ) and did not take notice of him .

Those who heard the scribbling sound turned and look at him , some were tempted and picked up the pen and write . For me , I sat there till the lecturer said , ' You may start writing . ' . I was proud of myself for not picking up my pen till the lecturer said so . That its integrity in me ! To some whom might think its nothing , some might think its stupid . But to me , I am proud of myself because I abide the examination rules despite all temptations .

To write something before the time starts , helps to save some time and helps one to attempt more questions . But by not doing so , I am able to get the most desevering results I can achieve because I did it by the right way .

I hope that by sharing this , I am able to spread this spirit to all of you . For those who already have it , keep it up ! For those who hasn't , build it up !

Thanks for reading !

Belinda !


mirabop said...

Very proud of you dear Ber!

You or some people may think this is a small act. But God does not despise the small things,and it has shown your true character.

Thanks for sharing it here with us! =)


bel_yafen said...

Thanks for the encouragement!