Saturday, 25 October 2008


hey... haha... dis blog reallli did seem deserted... haha... anyways... ronghui here... well... wads goin on wif mu life? haha... for now... i m currently not studyin... m workin 2 jobs... one still at de cd shop.... do other one is workin at far east... haha...

so next time when ya go far east n saw me workin dere... dun get shocked... as for my studies... i m thinkin of goin private next yr.. but.. haha... dunno will definately go or not... but... realli... studies r realli impt... but... yea... haha...

well... my fone no. is still de same... e-mail still de same... so if ya guys wan meet out do call mi or drop mi a email... k? miss de times where we hanged out... haha... take care y'all!!! ^.^

1 comment:

mirabop said...

Studies are important but it doesnt define your life. More importantly, dear, answer the question:

- Have you put in your best in your studies?

If you know what is blocking you in putting in your best, you will be able to focus and work better with more strength in whatever you do. :)

God bless your heart, dear.

Yes, do you want to organise the next outing?? After the poly exams? :)